Arizona is a community property state. This means that assets that are acquired during marriage are considered to be jointly owned. As a result, when you divorce, it’s anticipated that those assets will be divided equally. That doesn’t prevent you, however, from...
An Honest And Smart Approach To Family Law
Divorce Family Law
Arizona’s community property laws
Property division is one of the most complex aspects of almost any Arizona divorce. You may believe that you do not own a lot of property so the process will be simple, but once the divorce gets underway, you could realize you own more than you thought. The first step...
The challenges of blending a family post-divorce
After parents divorce in Arizona, there might come a time when one or both parents will have significant others that they introduce to the children. As those new relationships develop, they might become a blended family consisting of a parent, stepparent and...
Here’s what you can do if your spouse doesn’t want to get divorced
It can be difficult when you're in a situation where you need to end your marriage, but your spouse isn't on the same page. You may feel stuck in limbo, not knowing what your next steps should be. Thankfully, no matter what your spouse's position is, you still have...
Which documents does your divorce attorney need?
If you're getting a divorce in Arizona, there are things you can do to get the best possible outcome, and one of them is to get your documents in order. Your marriage certificate This refers to the official document that proves you're married. It's typically obtained...
Who pays the household debts after divorce?
Assets and debts acquired for a household’s benefit are divided evenly between two spouses during an Arizona divorce. By adding up your community property and subtracting your shared liabilities, you could see how much each spouse may receive and what amount of debt...
Prenuptial agreements in Arizona: What to know
No one walks into a marriage with divorce as their goal, but it happens frequently in the United States. Depending on your circumstances, signing a prenuptial agreement may be wise for you and your spouse. What a prenuptial agreement can do in Arizona Arizona is a...
Where may a spouse seek to hide assets?
When going through a divorce, emotions are often fraught and it is hard to keep track of everything with the stress you undergo. Unfortunately, your spouse may try to take advantage of the chaos and confusion in an effort to hold onto an unequal amount of assets. This...
Be smart about finances during a divorce
Going through a divorce in Arizona is always hard. While the emotional pain of the breakup is still fresh, it’s easy to make financial mistakes that could complicate your life later on. If you’re going through a divorce right now, try not to rush financial decisions...
Implementing a co-parenting plan in Arizona
After finalizing your divorce in Arizona, you should be aware of your rights as a parent as well as the obligations you should fulfill. Co-parenting can be a challenge; for one, you have to do what you like as a parent and also what the court requires you to do. If...