Married couples have several possible arrangements when it comes to working and earning income. Here are a few of the most common arrangements: One spouse will not work outside the home but will instead take care of the children or other matters at home, while the...
An Honest And Smart Approach To Family Law
Alimony / Spousal Maintenance Divorce Family Law
3 factors considered in ordering spousal maintenance
Spousal maintenance goes by many different names, including alimony or spousal support. Unlike child support, which is compulsory if a divorcing couple has children, the court does not automatically order spousal maintenance. Instead, the court considers requests for...
Self-sufficiency and spousal maintenance
If you are going through the divorce process, or thinking about ending your marriage, you need to focus on a variety of different topics. If you have kids, you could have to deal with child custody or support issues. It is important to thoroughly look into the...
Prenuptial agreements in Arizona: What to know
No one walks into a marriage with divorce as their goal, but it happens frequently in the United States. Depending on your circumstances, signing a prenuptial agreement may be wise for you and your spouse. What a prenuptial agreement can do in Arizona Arizona is a...
Your Social Security benefits after a divorce
Considering your Social Security benefits now can help you weather future uncertainty. Just don't wait for a divorce before thinking about how you'll fund your retirement or future. You may qualify for a benefits boost in Arizona if you earned less than an ex-spouse...
Spousal Maintenance (Alimony) in Arizona
What most understand as “alimony” or “spousal support” is called “spousal maintenance” in Arizona. Spousal Maintenance issues can form a roadblock for a divorcing couple, both before and after entry of the decree. In this article we will share a little regarding what...