Parental favoritism can have a variety of severe short- and long-term effects, like depression, poor performance, anxiety, instability and traumatic reactions in personal relationships for both the valued and devalued child. If you're in a situation where you have to...
An Honest And Smart Approach To Family Law
Family Law Legally Speaking
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Arizona is a community property state: What this means
Property division is an often highly contested part of the divorce. Missteps during this portion of the process have the potential to cost you dearly. Since laws regarding the distribution of marital assets vary from state to state, it is important to understand how...
Kindergarten Taught Us All We Need to Know!
“Affluenza” “Affluenza.” Remember that catch phrase? For me, it’ll rank up there with twerking, photo bomb and selfies of new phrases that should be relieved of their duties as words. I will freely admit that I had to look up twerking on the Internet to find out what...